In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama’s Urmin Vijayakar, popularly known as RJ Urmin, Kunal Kemmu and Farhan Akhtar open up about their upcoming film, “Madgaon Express”. Kunal Kemmu shares insights into the film’s creation, attributing its existence to the iconic “Dil Chahta Hai”.
Meanwhile, Farhan Akhtar shares a candid moment, revealing the wildest experience he’s ever had. This conversation promises an engaging insight into the making of “Madgaon Express” and offers a glimpse into the intriguing personalities of Kunal and Farhan. With Bollywood enthusiasts and fans eagerly awaiting the film’s release, this interview provides an exciting sneak peek into what audiences can expect. Don’t miss out on this captivating discussion filled with revelations and anecdotes from the stars themselves!
Source – Bollywood Hungama –