Experience the colossal clash in “Godzilla vs. Kong: The New Empire” as the Monsterverse unfolds another epic chapter. Directed by Adam Wingard, this thrilling sequel sees the mighty Kong and fearsome Godzilla facing off against a colossal new threat lurking within our world. Delve deeper into the histories of these Titans and the mysteries of Skull Island, uncovering a mythic battle that binds them to humankind forever. With an all-star cast including Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, and Dan Stevens, and a gripping screenplay by Terry Rossio, Simon Barrett, and Jeremy Slater, this cinematic adventure promises awe-inspiring action and heart-pounding suspense. Witness the rise of a new empire as “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” roars into cinemas nationwide from March 29, 2024.
Source – Warner Bros . Pictures – https://www.youtube.com/@WarnerBrosPictures